Romario Miller
"As a youth, I was faced with many issues, these included but were not limited to low self-esteem issues, poverty, lack of positive reinforcements and lack of motivation all attributed either directly or indirectly to my socioeconomic status and where I came from, which is Riverton City, Jamaica.
Riverton is most known for housing the capital's landfill, and there is a widespread stigma across the country associated with anyone who comes from the community, people consider anyone from here as less than and not worth anyone’s time.
I got involved with LEAD Outreach Initiative 10 years ago, initially as a pass time because I was bored, and there wasn’t anything better to do. It proved to be the best decision of my life.
LEAD OI through its many programs and initiatives has molded me into a globally aware leader. It bolstered my self-confidence through its annual leadership workshops; I garnered lifelong leadership skills; learned to not be a victim of negative self-fulfilling prophecies and rise above my roadblocks. The LEAD OI motivated me to be the best I can be and provided me with the necessary tools and support to achieve my goals.
I am blessed and honored to now be considered a role model in my community to many youths, and I'm pleased to know that I can be for others what I so greatly yearned for as a youth growing up in my community.
Here I am 10 years later, an Attorney-at-law and a proud ambassador of LEAD OI with no regrets in deciding to be a part of LEAD OI and grateful that I was fortunate enough to benefit from its programs and initiatives."

Steffon Gregory
"I may not be one of the longer ambassadors of LEAD Outreach Initiative, but it has contributed tremendously to my qualities as it developing me in to a better individual over the past years. It helped me to realize that each one helps one because when strong ideas link together, great things can happen. For example, the Dominican Sisters of Peace Collaboration to change the lives of many people. It has been some inspiring years more me, and I hope to continue and help make a difference."

Shaniequa Brown
"It only takes a spark to get a fire going, and the LEAD Program was that spark that lit the community of Riverton Meadows. Friendships and family bonds were built over the past years. It was the start of lasting memories. The Youth Centre has provided a home for us. You go there when you have meetings, homework, outreach projects, and when you need entertainment or a place to chill. In addition, I had always looked forward to LEAD Retreats. For me, it was my peace away from home. It is where you hone the skills such as resume writing, etiquette skills, job interview skills, etc. It teaches us of not what others can do for us, but what we can do for others. Growing confidently was not as natural for me as it was for others. It has taken years of learning and engagement in fun, yet productive activities. My foundation began at home, at LEAD Retreats, and at the Youth Centre. The Riverton Youth Group is where you develop your character and become selfless and proactive.
Leadership, empowerment, action, and development are just a few of the qualities you exemplify as a youth leader in Riverton. I have learned from discussions and numerous workshops how to build my self-confidence and how to resolve conflicts in difficult circumstances. One of the workshops that stood out the most was the iceberg session. I learned that you cannot judge a person's physical being as it is only 5%, and the other 95% is what cannot be seen: someone’s personality, strengths, weaknesses, talents, etc. Having a faith in a person and patience is the key. Too many times, we have failed to get to know persons, so we form our own perceptions of them. Through self-development, however, you learn to be selfless.
The Riverton Youth Group has always rendered its time and efforts to serve the people of Riverton Meadows. Some days we are cleaning the Early Childhood Centre, other days we are helping the elderly by providing care packages or refurbishing homes with new paint. The younger persons are engaged through the Youth Centre's homework program or entertainment sessions. The whole community benefits from food distributed during Christmas time.
LEAD Outreach Initiative has created proactive individuals. I have been driven to become my best self. With continued support from family and LEAD, I have been able to actualize my dreams. Who would have thought that I would be at University, going into my final year? My story would not have been thinkable without them. What has been second nature to me through experiences with LEAD has played an instrumental role in being successful with scholarships and job applications.
In a community of death, begging, and war, I hope that LEAD programming will stand and continue growing. Children need to be nurtured and mentored. They need to be guided down the right path in a community that has so many blind corners. LEAD Outreach Initiative has continued to provide youth with a vision and undoubtedly facilitate growth through self-development. A big thank you to all the persons who have sponsored the LEAD initiative. Thank you for being a part of something greater than yourself. Thanks for being a part of my continued journey to success."

Giovanni McFarlane
"I really never saw myself as much of a leader growing up. I would usually shy away from responsibility or help from behind the scenes. I was never one to love the spotlight. LEAD Outreach Initiative has pushed me into the spotlight, helping me to be comfortable with being the person that people go to and being in the foreground. Through LEAD, I was able to challenge myself to get out of my shell and realize that I can actually lead. I realized that I had more of an effect on people than I thought and that people would actually listen to me, and that has led to growth in my understanding of leadership and also some character growth as well."